What to do after Hurricane Sandy

We all knew Hurricane Sandy was coming our way..but the aftermath is really a tragedy. Thousands left without power, homes destroyed, left in the dark asking what to do? Here are a few tips on what you can do to begin a safe recovery.

Before you continue reading this article we would like to send our prayers to our loyal customers and anyone affected by Hurricane Sandy.

If your basement was flooded due to Hurricane Sandy, give us a call today at 1-732-697-0557. We are always here to help you.

1. If you have access to the radio listen to your local news as much as you can for updates.

2. If you have evacuated from your home, please do NOT under any circumstance try to return until officials say it is okay to do so.

3. If you have a working phone, save the power use it for emergency's only.

4. If you do not have power, make sure you check the fridge for any food that is spoiled or rotten. You don't want to have any bad smells around in a house with no power. When in doubt, just throw it out.

5. DO NOT drink or prepare any food using tap water, until you know for sure that the water is not contaminated.

6. Try your best to use flashlights not candles. If you are using a flashlight turn it on outside before entering your home, there may be leaking gas on the floor that can be ignited by a spark caused by some batteries.

7. If you come across any loose or dangling power lines call the power company immediately and stay away!

8. When cleaning up after a Hurricane wear protective clothing to avoid injury

9. Have a camera ready to take photos of any damages done to your home for insurance purposes.

10. Stay in your home unless it is necessary to go outside for any reason. Be careful when driving, streetlights may still be off and be careful when driving on roads that have water, puddles may be a lot deeper than what they appear.

Below are a few websites with more useful tips.

Again, if you or someone you know has a basement that was flooded due to Hurricane Sandy, give us a call today at 1-732-697-0557. We are always here to provide you with free written estimates, advice, and plenty of battery back-ups! (We know the weather is bad out there, that's why we're offering a pick-up or delivery option)